Do not presume that Moses wrote the first books of the Bible.
i have had a facination with this passage for some time since starting reading james kugel's book "how to read the bible" and i am curious to get your imput.
it is genesis 32: 24-32 where jacob gets his name changed.. i am most interested in how this story relates to the early dealings with isrealite's god.
specifically, who is the person that jacob wrestles with?.
Do not presume that Moses wrote the first books of the Bible.
i have had a facination with this passage for some time since starting reading james kugel's book "how to read the bible" and i am curious to get your imput.
it is genesis 32: 24-32 where jacob gets his name changed.. i am most interested in how this story relates to the early dealings with isrealite's god.
specifically, who is the person that jacob wrestles with?.
What is Truth?
For the Hebrews, a name was far more than a handle or a means of identification. It was the very being of that person; hence the need at times for a person's name to be changed.
The Hebrews used several names for God, depending on the situation. For example, the people who wrote Genesis chapter 1 did not use the name YHWH until it was revealed to Moses at the "burning bush", whereas the writers of the Creation myth of Genesis 2 used the tetragram for God's name.
The writers of Genesis 1 (written after Genesis 2, by the way) used God's name of "EL". Information is available on the sources of these names, and where the Israelites took their YHWH god from, but that's another issue.
In many instances, the EL is incorporated into the names of people and of places (Bethel, meaning "house of God", incorporates the EL name, for example).
Thus when Jacob encountered God his name was changed to include God's name - Israel. Knowing its origin will ensure that you will always spell it correctly.
BTW. EL was the "super God" who had a pantheon of minor gods; YHWH was one of these minor gods - he was an angry warlike god. When the Israelites adopted YHWH as their god, they took EL's wife Asherah and gave her to YHWH. You will see references to Asherah in the Bible; the general populace worshiped her alongside YHWH, as archaeology confirms. It's just that the priests were against that arrangement - and it is their wriitngs that you read.
the tetragrammaton ,does not appear anywhere in the christian greek scriptures see the new world kingdom interlinear translation.
the tetragrammaton translated in english is yhwh ( not jhvh) their is no j in hebrew.. the first edition of the book " aid to bible understanding" admits that the proper pronunciation of gods name is not known.. that they have used the name jehovah because it is the more popular name used in christendoms religions.
and they say christendoms religions are apostates / anti christs /babylon the great , can they have it both ways ?.
The overall context of Isa 43:10 says that Jacob and Israel had witnessed God. These chapters do not say that Jacob and Israel were going door-to-door giving out witness statements. These chapters say that even though they had witnessed YHWH, they had not called on Him (Isa 43:20-24). For that reason, God had brought them to the low state they were experiencing (Isa 43:26-28, Israel's destruction and Judah's captivity in Babylon).
It is interesting that Isa 43:10 says that his "witnesses" were his "servant" ("slave class"???).
Rutherford shackled the organisation with his "Jehovah's witness" legacy. Not only did he use a verse that is completely irrelevant and damaging, but he has prevented the JWs being able to break free from this word "Jehovah", which was invented by the Catholic Church in the 13th century.
the wtss brochure how can you have a happy life?
is aimed squarely at enticing jews.
people featured in it are ether jewish in appearance or they have jewish names.
The WTS’s brochure “How Can You Have a Happy Life?” is aimed squarely at enticing Jews. People featured in it are ether Jewish in appearance or they have Jewish names. Virtually all Scripture references come from the Hebrew scriptures, and information is provided in the brochure when a verse number in the Hebrew Tanakh differs from the verse number in the New World Translation.
I have cobbled together a simple Study on the brochure. Nothing deep or controversial. It's available at:
Corrections and criticisms are most welcome.
in case some are interested and can't find it......
Perhaps it would be technically more correct to say that people first need to understand the ancient Jewish mind and not read the Bible through modern western eyes. Study Kabbalistic thinking and expression, Jewish mysticism, the nature of their various writings, and then see the Bible for what it is - a collection of ancient Middle Eastern writings that reflect their contemporary understandings and idioms, the cultures of each generation that wrote and rewrote the text. Prove that what you read today is exactly what was originally written. And it helps to compare and contrast the MT with the various versions of the LXX. The list goes on.
vomiting out what jehovah gives us to eat.
(this is not a suggestion, but rather refers to retractions made by the wt of truths that god jehovah has fed us, but they apparently feel it needs to be discarded.
) at the end of the concordance of the new 2013 revision of the nwt are the dates the bible books were written and time covered.
Are you referring to chronologies in the Masoretic Text or in the Septuagint?
in case some are interested and can't find it......
Could somebody please explain to me how it is possible for the subject of creationism to reach the stage in a first world country where it warrants a debate?
The Creation stories of Genesis are myths invented by primitive, superstitious non-observers. They are not real, literal accounts. They are fables: one was invented to justify the Sabbath (Gen 1:1-2:4a) the other was invented to justify heterosexual marriage (Gen 2:4b ff). Pure religious stories written by people during the 8th to 6th centuries BCE, several centuries after the "Moses-event".
What hope is there if an advanced nation can succumb so easily to ancient superstitions?
i was reading the wts 2103 brochure "how can you have a happy life?".
in section 3, it relies on "professor george zinsmeister, formerly of the university of massachusetts".. at:
i located reference to:.
I have nothing against Professor Zinsmeister. I completely respect his right to him holding to his views and to his beliefs.
In everything I write, I never address JWs individually, my argument is always against the ruling controlling body. Because I feel such sympathy for the individual, I try to help release the mental stranglehold that is applied by the WTS. My argument is driven by the way they rip families apart and the unnecessary deaths they cause through their "policy" on the medical use of blood.
My interest in this instance related to the WTS brochure referencing a Professor as supporting the WTS's position. The writers and publishers of the brochure should have made it very clear to the reader of the situation. This is yet another example where the WTS is not completely open.
The brochure is addressed at Jews. I therefore read it through those eyes. No Jew would comprehend that the WTS's expression "believes in God" should be understood to mean "is a Jehovah's Witness".
Overall, I believe that any knowledgeable Jew would find the brochure demeaning and simplistic. For example, while elevating the significance of the Name of God, which belief a Jew would share, the WTS uses the Name "Jehovah", which was invented by Christendom! How do you think any Jew would respond to that!
Rutherford saddled the WTS with a dead weight when he thought up the name "Jehovah's witnesses".
I can easily understand the views that would be held by Jews. I have immediate forefathers named Abraham, Yitzak (Isaac), and Mosche (Moses).
i was reading the wts 2103 brochure "how can you have a happy life?".
in section 3, it relies on "professor george zinsmeister, formerly of the university of massachusetts".. at:
i located reference to:.
Thank you!
i was reading the wts 2103 brochure "how can you have a happy life?".
in section 3, it relies on "professor george zinsmeister, formerly of the university of massachusetts".. at:
i located reference to:.
I simply put my stuff on my web site.
If anyone wants to make a donation, I suggest they go to their nearest blood transfusion service where their gift will give hope and life.